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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Water Treatment Plant at North of Buraidah, Qassim, Saudi Arabia

    Complete design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of: (1) Well field of 10 nos deep wells each approximately 800 – 1,000 m deep including submersible pumps, stainless header, control panel, electrical connection with transformers, HV/LV cabling, earthing, street lighting, fire system, SCADA with fiber optic cabling, D.I. pipelines interconnecting wells & well-field to plant including chambers complete. (2) A water treatment plant with a capacity of 50,000 m3/per day. The plant pre-treatment works consist of aeration towers, iron oxidation tank, fluctation tank, ultra filtration system using submerged membranes. Reverse Osmosis Plant consist of 2 trains, chemical mixing, cartridge filters, high pressure pumps, gas chlorination, cleaning system, etc. RO unit recovery is 85%.

    The reject brine is further treated in second recovery RO unit. Evaporation Ponds about 270,000 m2 in area lined by HPDE liners and a reject water line 2,000 m long from the plant to theĀ  evaporation ponds. The plant has SCADA system that is connected to the well-field. Besides the main plant building, there are supporting facilities such as generator station, laboratory, workshop, administration building and guard house. (3) City Pumping system consisting of a pump station for transferring product water to city with 5 no. horizontal split case pumps, control panel and all other related electro-mechanical works, a 5.0 km. long twin line 700 mm dia. transmitting treated water from plant to City.

    • Value

    • Client

      Ministry of Water & Electricity, General Directorate of Water for Qassim Province
    • Consultant

      Furat Environmental Engineering Consultants
    • Location

      Saudi Arabia
    • Completion Date

      Feb 2011
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