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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Revitalization of Skanderbeg Square Project in Tirana (Phase 1 & 2), Albania

    Phase 1: (a) Constructing of U/G Gallery: 830 ml; (b) Constructing of U/G Technical room and water tanks; 1 nr; (c) Sheet piling: 1,280 ml; (d) Demolition of surface material: 69,600 m2; (e) Earthworks: (i) Excavation: 42,000 m3; ((ii) Back-filling: 47,000 m3; (f) New Sewerage utility system (HDPE pipes Sn8): 7,850 ml; (g) New Water utility system (Steel and HDPE pipes): 2,700 ml; (h) Reinforced concrete works: 4,250 m3; (i) Road Works: (i) Embankments & Sub-grade Layers: 12,600 m3; (ii) Sub-base/base layers: 34,450 m2; (iii) Asphalt Works: 1,034 tons; (j) Greenery works: 18,000 m2. Phase II: (a) Road Works: (i) Sub-base/base course: 5,200 m3; (ii) Asphalt Works: 61,000 m2; (b) Paved tiles: 16,800 m2; (c) Concrete curbs: 7,000 ml; (d) Concrete works: 800 m3; (e) Surface drainage: 2,032 ml; (f) Lighting works: 142 light poles (g) Greenery works: 21,000 m2

    • Value

    • Client

      Municipality of Tirana
    • Consultant

      IC Consulenten Ziviltechniker Gesmbh
    • Location

    • Completion Date

      Jan 2012
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