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775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Link Road Project connecting Jessups, Barnes Ghaut, Paradise Estate and Cotton Ground,Nevis, The West Indies

    Construction of a link road connecting four (4) villages – total length (5.5 km), dual carriageway, 6 m wide; removal of existing concrete track road, improvement on the horizontal and vertical alignment, formation of new sub-grade with imported fill of about 22,000 m3, placement of base material (9,000 m3), laying of asphaltic concrete (35,000 m2), concrete drains (6,000 m), various box and pipe culverts, etc. This is a design, finance and built basis contract, the design was done by MAK Engineers to the satisfaction of the Client.

    • Value

    • Client

      Ministry Of Physical Planning Infrastructural Development, Natural Resources & Environment Nevis Island Administration
    • Consultant

      Ministry Of Physical Planning Infrastructural Development, Natural Resources & Environment Nevis Island Administration
    • Location

    • Completion

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