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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Jubail Product Water Treatment Expansion Project, Saudi Arabia

    Expansion of existing Water Treatment Jubail Desalination & Power Plant Phase 2 facilities is to connect with the existing 84″ GRP pipeline with a new 60″, GRP pipeline main supply of about 50 m to limestone filtration plant. Part of the distillation of about 14,000 m3/per hr from the desalination units will be collected in one header and pumped to 3 main lines of limestone filters that consists of 34″ GRP pipeline of about 480 m supply and installation of static mixer, backwash pumps 9 no. backwash tank 3 no., sedimentation tanks 3 no., recovery pumps 6 no., air blowers 6 no., limestone filters 24 no., limestone silos 3 no., limestone hoppers 3 no. and 3 no. limestone filling system.

    Installation of CO2 line from CO2 plant to limestone filters. CO2 gas is to be injected into the 3 main pumps each 500 m3/per hr volumetric flow rate capacity with motor rating of 1,250 HP/pump. The scope also includes supply, installation & commissioning of electrical works and construction of a substation building and other related civil works.

    • Value

    • Client

      Saline Water Conversion (SWCC)
    • Consultant

      Saline Water Conversion (SWCC)
    • Location

      Saudi Arabia
    • Completion Date

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