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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme – CONVEYOR 800 – CDR, Contract no. 3429, Lebanon

    In Joint Venture with Veziroglu Engineering, Industry Construction and Trade Co. Inc and Guris Construction and Engineering Co. Inc

    The Main Conveyor 800 consists of a head works arrangement at the F2 access Adit tunnel connecting with Markabe Tunnel (including a surge shaft), the Litani River Crossing, a tunnel of length 5.5 km and two tunnels of combined lengths 1.2 km, a canal section comprising 6.2 km of open canal with gated regulating structures and three piped siphons totaling 1.3 km, and some 50 km of pipeline reducing in stages from twin 2,000 mm pipes to a single 800 mm diameter pipe. Along the Main Conveyor, construction of secondary conveyor off takes, air release and drainage valves, drainage culverts, roads and crossings, and (on the canal section) emergency spill weirs.

    The main components of the Secondary Conveyors consist of 53 km of single pipelines ranging in diameter between 1300 mm and 300 mm, a tunnel of length 2.1 km, 20 storage reservoirs with a total active capacity of approximately 160,000 m3, and 4 pump stations, irrigation of 14,700 hectors of equipped perimeters and the supply of additional domestic water resources for the villages associated with the perimeters. Fill Concrete: 27,286 m3; Mass Concrete: 86,087 m3; Non-Structural Concrete: 38,568 m3 and Structural Concrete: 28,398 m3.

    • Value

    • Client

      Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR)
    • Consultant

      C800 Consultants
    • Location

    • Completion

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