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Head Office in New-York

775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Toll Free


    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Down Town Dubai Development -Sky Views/External Road Works and Utilities Relocation, U.A.E.

    Construction of roads and utilities works including asphalt pavement works, paving granite block works, traffic signs and marking. Storm water drainage system, street lighting and electrical distribution works, irrigation, potable water works, sewerage works, telephone networks, traffic control, chilled water works,gas works, utility ducts, existing utility protection and relocation.

    Exploratory excavation to identify existing services, protection / relocation of obstructing existing utilities, excavation and back-filling to formation level of road pavement.

    Construction of sub-station, utility/pipe networking systems like storm water works, water network, sewerage and irrigation works, telephone, electrical and street lighting networks.

    Construction of utility chambers, the ‘Sky View’ , road works and utilities relocation from part of the project known as ‘Down Town Dubai Development’

    • Value

    • Client

      EMAAR Properties
    • Consultant

      Turner Construction- International LLC
    • Location

      United Arab Emirates
    • Completion

      Under Execution
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