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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Construction of Sewerage Network, Design and Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant, Marjayoun – El Khiyam Region Part l and ll, Lebanon

    Construction of wastewater collection and conveyance systems, the design and construction of wastewater treatment plant in El Khiyam plain including operation, maintenance and staff training of the same in the areas of Dibbine, Blat, Ebel, Es Saqi, Marjayoun, El Khiyam, part of Qlaiaa and Borj Mlouk in South of Lebanon.

    The scope works  includes;

    Part A – Wastewater Collection and conveyance systems
    Part B – Wastewater treatment plant
    Part C – Operation, maintenance [of constructed works] and staff training for [6 months]

    Wastewater Collection and conveyance systems:

    Supply, installation and testing of about 151.9 km of wastewater gravity pipes, ranging in diameter from 200 mm to 800 mm as follows – 200 mm dia pipes : 118.95 km; 250 mm dia pipes : 16.20 km; 300 mm dia pipes : 4.0 km; 400 mm dia pipes : 4.35 km; 500 mm dia pipes : 4.50 km; 600 mm dia pipes : 400 metre; 700 mm dia pipes : 1.57 km; 800 mm dia pipes : 1.93 km; Construct, equip and test of about 4367 reinforced concrete manholes various types and dimensions; Supply, laying and test of about 9.7 km wastewater pressure pipes ranging in diameter from 200 mm to 500 mm, ductile iron pipe; Supply and laying and test of about 3000 lateral house connection and UPVC pipes 200 mm.

    Construct, equip, test and commission of four wastewater pumping stations, namely: PS1 – Pumping Station in El Kherbe; PS2 – Pumping Station in Ebel Saqi; PS3 – Pumping Station in Blat; PS5 – Pumping Station in Mazraat Sarada.

    Design and construction of El Khiyam Wastewater Treatment Plant (population served is about 58,000 cap and flow is equal to 16,000 m3/day).

    Wastewater Treatment :

    Fine Screens; Sand/Grit/Grease/Oil removal tanks; Primary clarifiers; Anaerobic biological treatment tanks; Primary clarifiers; Anaerobic biological treatment tanks; Anoxic biological treatment tanks, Trickling Filter towers for aerobic treatment; Secondary clarifiers; Filtration Unit; Chlorination / De-chlorination tank; Treated effluent storage tank; Bypass / Lifting station to Litani River.

    Sludge Treatment:

    Grit / Sand classification; Primary sludge pumping station; Gravity Thickening tank for the primary sludge; Thickened primary sludge pumping station; Excess secondary sludge buffer tank and pumping station; Mechanical Thickening unit (gravity belt thickeners) for secondary sludge and transfer pumps; Aerobic sludge digesters for primary and secondary sludge mix; Digested sludge de-watering unit (belt filter presses)

    Odors Treatments:

    Odor Control Unit to service the preliminary treatment building and e the sludge de-watering building

    • Value

    • Client

      Council For Development and Reconstruction (CDR)
    • Consultant

      Council For Development and Reconstruction (CDR)
    • Location

    • Completion

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