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Head Office in New-York

775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

    * Please Fill Required Fields *

    Toll Free


    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Construction of Mandina Ba-Soma Road Project, The Gambia

    Reconstruction and upgrading of the Mandina Ba-Soma section of the South Bank Road 141 km length; 7 m wide; 3 m shoulders; Earthworks: 1,400,000 m3; Sub-base: 169,000 m3; Base 211,500 m3; Asphalt Mix 27,450 m3; Single Seal: 4,000 m3; Culverts: 2,267 LM.

    • Value

    • Client

      Department of State for Works, Construction & Infrastructure
    • Consultant

      National Roads Authority
    • Location

      The Gambia
    • Completion Date

      Oct 2013
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