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775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Construction and Maintenance of Roads and 1,475 Houses, 70 Vertical Housing Units and General Buildings, Transformer Stations and Main Services at Sector 2, Jaber Al-Ahmed City, Kuwait

    Construction and Maintenance of 1,475 houses, public buildings and infrastructure for sector N2 of Jaber Al Ahmed City Housing Project, the project is divided to the following: (1)  Soil Improvement of weak soil 1,615,000 m2; (2)  1,475 houses; (3)  70 units of vertical houses; (4) – Public Buildings: (a) 3 Kindergartens, (b) 4 Primary Schools, (c) 2 Intermediate Schools, (d) 2 Secondary Schools, (e) 4 Shops Groups, (f) Neighbourhood facilities (Police Station-Supermarket-Government Building), (g) Major Mosque, (h) 6 Local Mosque, (i) Clinic Center, (j) 57 Substations;

    (5) – Infrastructure Works: (a) Sanitary Sewer Networks, (b) Storm Networks, (c) Water Supply Networks, (d) Road Pavement & Road Signs, (e) External Electrical Works, (f) Telephone Works, Asphalt: 165,000 m3, Concrete: 511,230 m3.

    • Value

    • Client

      Public Authority for Housing Welfare
    • Consultant

      Public Authority for Housing Welfare
    • Location

    • Completion Date

      Dec 2015
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