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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Drainage, Sewer and Services for the completion of First Ring Road – Dasman and Abdullah Al Ahmad Street (Package II), First Ring Road (MC00) and Khaled Ibn Al Waleed Street (MC03) and Sour Street (MC05), Kuwait

    Construction of three  troughs and five  bridges, two  pedestrian bridges and many related works such as: Road works 3,800 M of at-grade road ways, 1,750 M of depressed road ways (RC trough), Other upgrade works related to associated local roads and junction, road marking, road signs, street lighting’s, traffic signaling and associated works).

    Structure Works

    2 No. RC Trough (1A & 1B & 2) with tensioned piles, 4 No. vehicular post-tensioned case-in-place Bridges over main trough; 1 no. elevated post-tensioned case in place bridge; 2 no. reinforced concrete retaining walls, pedestrian pre-tensioned Bridges.

    Utilities Works

    Storm box culvert for storm work and sanitary drainage, utility box culvert, relocation and diversion of existing services and utilities (Fresh & Brackish Water, HT/LT electrical and telephone network);

    Al-Mattabah Mosque Works

    Design and construction of Al-Mattabah mosque building in the new location which specified by Kuwait Municipality. Demolish the old mosque and to remove the historical items from the old mosque and fix int he new constructed mosque.

    Major Quantities

    Concrete works: 165,000 m3; Reinforcement: 17,000 tons; Asphalt works: 170,000 m2; Road works: 4,000 m2, Electrical cables 11 kv : 9,000 m; Electrical cables 132 kv: 8,000 m; Water Networks: 21,000 m; Micro-tunneling (sanitary): 1,200 m; Sanitary (open cut): 600 m; Telephone Ducting: 143,000 m; Earthworks (excavation and filling): 1,200,000 m3.

    • Value

    • Client

      Ministry Of Public Works
    • Consultant

      Parsons Brinckerhoff International in association with Gulf Consult
    • Location

    • Completion

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