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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Al-Khiran New Town Infrastructure Works for Blocks No. 2, 3 and 7, Neighborhood – 1, Contract no. 1/2002, Kuwait

    Construction, completion and maintenance of bulk earthworks, main roads, parallel utilities, landscaping, design and construction of a packaged 3,300 m3/per day sewerage treatment plant, design and construct a 132 KV transformer substation complete with underground cables and overhead lines, 2 R.C. post-tension elevated water tanks 35 meters high conical shape of 2,750 m3 capacity of each, an R.C. underground irrigation water tank (18x15x3 m) and pump station at Al-Khiran, 80 km south of Kuwait City.

    Major Quantities:

    Bulk Earth Work: (a) Excavation : 950,000 m³ (b) Backfill: 600,000 m³

    Road Works: (a) Sub-grade & Sub-base:313,600 m³ (b) Asphalt Works: 165,000 tons (c) P.C. curbs: 35,000 m (d) Interlocking Tiles: 45,000 ms (e) Chain Link Fence: 22,000 m.

    Sanitary Sewers: (a) Open Cut: 2,500 m (200-300 mm Poly Crete Pipes); (b) Micro-tunneling for Pipelines: 2,800 m (400 mm dia Poly Crete Pipes); (c) Poly Crete Manholes

    Storm Water: (a) S.W Lines: 9,500 m (300-1600 Concrete Pipes); (b) R.C Box Culverts: 6,500 m (1.5  x 1.5), (2 x 1.5), (2 x 2 x 1.5), (2.5 x 1.5); (c) manholes & gullies.

    Fresh water supply & distribution works: (a) (80-1200 mm) D.I Pipelines : 47,800 m; (b) 2 V.F.D Pumps at Az-Zour water distribution complex; (c) Surge protection system at Az- Zour W.D Complex.

    Construction of 2 R.C post-tension elevated water towers 35 meters high 2,750 m³ capacity each.The design and construction of 3,300 m³/per day capacity packaged sewage treatment plant. The treated water will be used for irrigation. Overhead lines and under ground cables for 132/33 KV. SCADA system and telemetry system. Street lighting works.

    Major Quantities:

    Excavation: 950,000 m3; Fill: 600,000 m3, Roads 313,600 m2, Asphalt: 168,350 tons; Sanitary Sewers: 90-300 mm uPVC pipes 5 km, Storm water lines: 300-1600 mm concrete pipes 9.2 km; Fresh Water 80-1200 mm D.I. pipes 30 km + 800 mm D.I. pipes 8.4 km; Treated Effluent 80-300 mm. D.I. pipes 5.8 km and micro tunneling 200 mm. D.I. pipes 2.6 km.

    The landscaping scope of works is as following:- The contract is for the construction, completion and maintenance of bulk earth work, main roads, parallel utilities (storm water, sanitary sewer, water supply mains …etc.), landscaping, design and construction of a package 3,300 m³/per day sewerage treatment plant, construction of 132 KV sub-station complete with underground cables and overhead lines, two reinforced concrete post-tension elevated water tanks 35 m high conical shape of 2,750 m³ capacity each, the construction of 5 no. underground irrigation water tanks and pump room at Al-Khiran New Town.

    • Value

    • Client

      Ministry of Public Works
    • Consultant

      Jassim Qabazard Engineering Consultant-JQEC
    • Location

    • Completion

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