Airport & Marine Works – MAK-Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi & Sons Building the elements of life. Tue, 13 Feb 2024 19:08:03 +0000 en hourly 1 Airport & Marine Works – MAK-Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi & Sons 32 32 Addis Ababa International Airport Project – Works Package II, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:17:09 +0000 Construction of a new international terminal building of 60,000 M2 on 3 floors, Facilities include check-in, security, passport control customs, baggage handling system with fully automated 100% hold baggage screening, restaurants and bars, duty-free shopping and lounges, and 5 aircraft boarding bridges, offices for airlines and airport management and operational personnel within the terminal building.

Major Quantities: Terminal Building (Structures) Fill: 26,000 M3; Piles: 920 No.; Concrete: 25,000 M3; Rebar: 2,500 Tonnes; Foamwork: 70,000 M2; Structural Steel: 350 Tonnes (Envelope): Glass/Metal Cladding Façade: 15,000 M2; Space Frame Roof: 30,000 M2 (Mechanical & Electrical): Standpipe and Sprinkler system; Domestic hot and cold water supply, Roof drainage system, Fully automatic ventillation system, Incoming 100% HBS, Four arrivals collection carousels; Xray Screening: Two in-line Vivid X-rays with OOG; Loading Dock Levellers: 2 No.; Elevators: 4 No.; Escalators: 12 No.; Airbridges: 5 No.; Flight Information Display System: 30 No.; Security System – Card readers and keypads on landside/airside line and all secure areas; TMRS, CCTV: 20 No. Apron (Civil Works): Excavation: 185,000 M3; Fill: 150,000 M3; Crushed Aggregate Layers: 65,000 M3; Asphalt: 15,000 M3; PQ Concrete: 16,000 M3; Earth Static Grounding System

Construction of new 80,000 M2 airside aircraft apron and taxiway in PQ concrete and asphalt. Construction of landside carparking facilities, access roads and pedestrian walkways. Construction of new fire and potable water supply and storage facilities, sewerage and storm water drainage facilities.

HV mains and substations, Emergency Standby Generators, Normal and standby Emergency Lighting, fully automatic fire alarm system (Finishes): Stainless Steel Staircase: 12 No.; Partitions: 3,000 lm; Ceramic Tiles: 3,000 M2; Marble Tiles: 40,000 M2; Ceilings: 20,000 M2; Paint: 75,000 M2; Seating: 625 Nos (Accessories): Signage: 150 No.; Airport Counters: 82 No.; Baggage Handling System: Two line departures system with “Car Park and Access Roads (Civil Works): Fill: 150,000 M3; Crushed Aggregate Layers: 20,000 M3; Asphalt: 8,000 M3; Concrete walkways, ramps, structures: 15,000 M3; Drainage: 3,000 lm; Kerbs: 16,000 lm; Topsoil: 10,000 M3; Grass seeding: 60,000 M2; Trees, Plnats, Shrubs: 12,000 No.; Guardbooths: 5 No.; Access Barriers: 6 No; Guardrails: 500 lm; Roadsigns: 25 No.; Flagpoles: 18 No.; Streetlighting: 60 No., etc.. Passenger Capacity 3000 per hour.

Widening of existing Runway and Taxiway, reconstruction of existing cross taxiway & parts Runway, Taxiway, Apron & Shoulders. Major Quantities: Covered by this contract are: – Removal & disposal of existing pavement: 6,200 M3. – Bitumenous levelling: 18,250 Tons. – Bitumenous base course & surface course: 68,640 Tons; – Bitumenous surface course for overlay: 67,370 Tons. ”



Marsa Alam International Airport – Construction of Terminal building and ancillary support buildings, Airport runway, Taxiway, Access roads & Associated Works Wed, 13 Mar 2019 10:43:01 +0000 “Construction of Terminal building and ancillary support buildings, Airport runway, Taxiway, Access roads & Associated Works – Terminal Building with restaurants, cafeterias, airline offices, car rentals, banks and first aid and Duty Free Shop, car parking and landscaping.

Terminal building built-up area of 13,000 M2, to accommodate 1,300 Passengers/ hr. 12 Aircraft Stands, 100,800 M2 Concrete Slab of Apron 40 cm thickness – PCN 57 / R / A / W / T. Runway with capability of handling various aircrafts RWY 3,243 m x 45 m -160,000 M2 Asphalt. PCN: 54 / FIA / A / W / T ASPH. Tripartite Taxiways 1,100mx23 m-83,600M2 Asphalt – PCN : 54 / F / A / W / T ASPH; CAT 7 firefighting facilities, CAT – 1 Airport Lighting, and Navigation Aids DVOR- DME. 243,600 m2 apron asphalt & taxiways; 100,800 m2 apron concrete pavement.”

Construction Completion Maintenance of Marine Works for Funaitees Club, Kuwait Mon, 08 Oct 2018 11:27:00 +0000 Marine Works

Upgrade of Storm Water Drainage – Part of the Dubai International Airport Expansion Project, Dubai, U.A.E. Thu, 04 Oct 2018 10:36:48 +0000 Package -1

WO-034: West Pond Pump Station SDP-West and Associated Drainage Works (Protection of existing utilities and relocation works. Rehabilitation and maintenance works for the existing lifting station, new storm water drainage pump station and relevant oil interceptor with capacity of 6.25 m3/sec to discharge the storm water flow from the west detention ponds towards the upgraded new storm drainage pump station 6 located under the airfield and land-side roads. Installation of new distribution chamber to facilitate storm water distribution.

Package – 2

WO032: Upgrading of Storm water Pump Station SDP-6. Upgrading of storm water pump station tp 10 m3/sec to cater for the increased flows conveyed from proposed pump station to ne constructed near the west detention. This will be achieved by fully dismantling the existing electro mechanical installation and demolition of existing civil works and constructing of a new sub/super structure on the same site. The existing 1600 mm outfall from SDP-6 to Dubai Creek will be maintained and its condition will be surveyed to assess the pipe conditions and the necessity/extent of any required rehabilitation. Based on the outcome of the outfall condition survey, necessity of in-situ rehabilitation to the existing outfall to be decided to ensure its convenience to sustain higher flow velocities.

Package – 3

WO-031: Upgrading of SCADA System for storm water drainage and sewerage, the site survey, electro-mechanical design, procurement, testing, packing and shipping, installation, commissioning and training works necessary to upgrade the storm water/sewerage SCADA system.

Package – 4

WO030 : Upgrading of Storm water Pump Station SDP-A, pump stationm’A’ (P.STN’A’) is one of the most important storm water drainage facilities at Dubai International Airport it drains an overall catchment area of 1,132 hectares to dubai Creek via 1800/2400 mm rising main. the are has a total of 5 duty pumping units without any standby units. The main objective of this project is to upgrade P.STN.’A’ by replacing the existing units with larger pumps including a single standby unit. The works include the necessary upgrade of pump station ‘A’, new transformer room, modification of existing transformer and MCC room in addition to all temporary facilities

Zayed Kukes Airport – Contract No. MW-04-206/2001, Kukes, Albania Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:21:31 +0000 Construction of a new runway of 2.10 km long, 45 m wide with 7 m shoulders: and link road of 3.6 km. Earthwork quantities: 500,000 m3 and asphalt: 80,000 tons. Construction of new terminal building, store, firefighters and control towers. Total area of construction 3,000 m2. and all external Electro-mechanical works.

Procurement and Construction for Rehabilitation of MAA North and South Piers, Contract no. 2575, Mina Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:00:43 +0000 Rehabilitation of two (2) piers, used for the export of crude oil and petrochemical products, and one approach trestle. The work comprises sandblasting, repairs and painting of steel framed structures; the replacement of defective timber decking; the repair of fixed fenders and gravity fenders, the removal and replacement of cathodic protection system; the dismantling and replacement of loading arms and the construction of new marine structures (strong points and mooring dolphin). The work is carried out in phases to avoid disruption to the export operations of the pier.

Sofia Airport Reconstruction, Development and Extension LOT B2- New Runway System and Related Works, Bulgaria Wed, 03 Oct 2018 11:56:31 +0000 Construction of new runway 45 m wide + 7.5 m shoulder, 3.6 km long + 2 x 120 m blast pads, extension of existing runway 23 m wide + 10.5 m shoulders, 1.5 km long. Construction of taxiways 2.2 km., perimeter road 12.5 km long, new rescue and fire building 900 m2. Supply and installation of airfield lighting, navigational aids, meteorological equipment and external power supply. Existing runway crack repairs and patching. R.C. Bridge over Iskar river 460 m x 36.5 m wide (9 spans).

Major Quantities:

Excavation 1,535,000 m3; Fill: 2,260,000 m3; Asphalt: 180,000 tons; Crushed Aggregate base course: 56,000 m3; Cement treated base course: 99,000 m3; Concrete lined ditch: 67,000 m2; R.C. drainage pipes 500 to 1,200 mm 2 km long.

Kamuzu International Airport Runway,Taxiway and Apron Pavement Rehabilitation, Malawi Wed, 03 Oct 2018 11:47:21 +0000 The works are located on the main runway, the main parallel taxiway and the link taxiways between the runway and parallel taxiway,the aprons and internal roads at the Airport.the works to be carried out under this contract are as follows:-milling off the existing Marshall asphalt wearing course (37 mm concrete) on the runway, main taxiways and taxi way links and apron main pavements and shoulders, and replacing with a new Marshall asphalt wearing course, the application of slurry seal to the erosion protection adjoining the shoulders, the rehabilitation of open drain (repairing the brick lining and wire mesh), the resealing of internal roads, the replacement of some concrete slabs at the runway ends, main apron, light aircraft and freight apron, the resealing of all the joints on the concrete pavements, installation of airfield lighting and aircraft guidance signs, repair work to the airport perimeter fence.


Rehabilitation of Banjul International Airport and Air-side Rehabilitation Centre, Banjul, The Gambia Wed, 03 Oct 2018 11:29:20 +0000 Construction and repairs to sections of the distressed runway and asphalt concrete overlay, airfield ground lighting, civil works and runway pavement markings.

Government Sector Projects at Kuwait International Airport – Administration Building, Car Park and Fire Stations Package, Kuwait Wed, 03 Oct 2018 11:19:17 +0000 Design, construction, completion and maintenance of the Administration Building (71,921 m2), Car park (79,182 m2), and Fire Station (9,710 m2). Major works include earthworks, concrete, masonry, metal works, thermal and moisture protection, doors, windows, finishing works, specialties, equipment, furnishing, conveying systems, mechanical & electrical installations, site clearance, site formation, excavation, shoring, de-watering and back-filling works, underground services, landscaping (77,299 m2), irrigation, tile work (54,937 m2), carpet flooring (38,600 m2), access flooring (55,000 m2), ceiling: 50,350 m2, plaster work: 81,000 m2, gypsum works: 7,400 m2, terrazo works: 18,469 m2, granite & marble: 12,500 m2, limestone works: 22,500 m2, painting area: 413,000 m2, epoxy coating: 94,000 m2, provide auditorium seating: 242 seats capacity; contractor’s site laboratory, testing equipment & facilities; kitchen equipment, window washing systems, conveying systems, furnishings and all electro-mechanical works , steel: 4,720 tons, concrete: 100,592 m3.
