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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Request a Quote

    Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

    Construction, Completion, Operation and Maintenance of Egaila Pump Station and Related Sanitary Lines, Contract No. SE/69, Kuwait

    Construction of Egaila Pump Station which is 48 m below ground level with a design capacity of 4,200 L/S and a head of 40 m+70 m and with total excavation and shoring for 750,000 m3, concrete works of 37,633 m3, mechanical & electrical works & finishes. Also the compound of the pump station which includes:- administration building, substation valve chamber, pressure mains of 4.6 km of 1,400 mm DI pipes. gravity sewer of 1800 mm & 900 mm of 5.77 km + 4.6 km of 1,400 mm, external landscaping, demolition of existing pump station A-14 & A-15 and operation and maintenance.

    The landscaping scope of works;

    (1) Storm water network: 1,000 ml; (2) Irrigation water network: 1,000 ml; (3) Water supply network: 500 ml; (4) Asphalt works: 5,900 m2; (5) Soft Landscape – Trees: 560 no; Ground Caver 2,500 m2; (6) Interlock Paving: 1,000 M2; (7) Fences and Gates; (8) Sanitary Network

    • Value

    • Client

      Ministry of Public Works
    • Consultant

      Gulf Consult / Montgomery Watson Harza, P.O.
    • Location

    • Completion Date

      Mar 2011
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